Cudillero, Miasteczko W Asturii, Hiszpania Turystyka

Cudillero, a fairytale village in Asturias

We stumbled upon Cudillero, a small town nestled on the coast of Asturias, quite by accident, while driving past nearby wild beaches and valleys along riverbeds, somehow we took a wrong turn following a sign 😉… and it turned out to be a fantastic detour because... 👇🏻

... the town boasts a unique location: it is built into the steep cliffs. The houses, painted in colour, cling to the slopes, creating an exceptionally charming landscape.

Cudillero, Bajkowa Wioska W Asturii

The community is distinguished by a division rooted in the professions of its members, including:

  • Pixuetos, are fishermen and residents of the lower part of the village
  • Caízos, defines residents of town center, shopping district

Walking around the town you will notice that there are designated routes leading to visits to the upper parts.

Cudillero, Bajkowa Wioska W Asturii

Some residents communicate in a unique dialect, pixueto, which is gradually disappearing...


Nearly the entire coastline of the Cudillero municipality is protected as the Protected Landscape of the Western Coast. This area stretches for 35 km along the coast, intersected by numerous rivers and streams. Characteristic of this region are the impressive cliffs, expansive beaches, and natural rocky coves, which together form the dominant element of the landscape.

This protected area serves as a refuge for many protected species, including the Eurasian eagle-owl and the peregrine falcon, highlighting its ecological significance. Cape Vidío represents a unique example of the natural assets of the municipality's coast.

Cudillero, Miasteczko W Asturii

📌 Map of the Municipality with the major attractions of the area marked. CLICK HERE


Always on the go, though sometimes I do miss a bit of boredom... 😉 My passions? Technology, photography, psychology, diving into diverse reads, and sports... especially water sports and padel. Professionally, I design websites, graphics, and more. I'm also the author and photographer at 📸

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