Marina W Vilamoura

The marina in Vilamoura

In 2023, the Marina in Vilamoura once again clinched the prestigious title of "International Marina of the Year," awarded by The Yacht Harbour Association (TYHA). This marks the seventh time, and notably, the third consecutive year, that this haven has won the accolade. While I'm personally no yachting expert or a big fan of sailing myself, there's an undeniable charm to marinas that draws in even those who aren't necessarily sailing enthusiasts.

I enjoy watching the crew as they prepare for a voyage. The long checklist of tasks and equipment that needs to be properly stowed to meet the challenging conditions at sea. It somehow reminds me of prepping for a long road trip in a camper – everything has to be in its place for the journey to be comfortable 🙂

The atmosphere of marinas encompasses a whole spectrum of elements: various measuring devices, compasses pointing the way, precisely tied knots in ropes, anchors, faded and weathered planks tossed in a corner, and above all, the squawking seagulls bidding farewell and greeting travelers.

Sometimes I wonder how long I could last out on the open sea, confined to a small, relatively safe space... I think not very long, that's for sure .


Always on the go, though sometimes I do miss a bit of boredom... 😉 My passions? Technology, photography, psychology, diving into diverse reads, and sports... especially water sports and padel. Professionally, I design websites, graphics, and more. I'm also the author and photographer at 📸

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