Trevélez - Malutka Wioska U Podnóży Wysokich Gór

Trevélez - a tiny village nestled at the foot of towering mountains

Visiting the highest village in Andalusia!

Trevélez is situated at an altitude of 1,476 meters above sea level, making it one of the highest villages in Spain and the highest village in Andalusia! Located in the province of Granada, it's renowned as an excellent starting point for nearby trails in the Sierra Nevada Natural Park and for the production of high-quality jamón serrano, highly appreciated among food connoisseurs.

The village holds a mystery yet to be unraveled to this day... In its upper part, there is a stone on which an ancient author, living long before the arrival of the Romans, carved mysterious inscriptions. Unfortunately, archaeologists have been unable to determine the time of its creation or the meaning of the message engraved in the stone from the past...

The town inherited its current appearance along with an improved irrigation system, which blends into the landscape, from the Moors who once ruled these lands. Particularly noteworthy are the terraced crops, meadows surrounding the town, and the residential area divided into three parts based on elevation: Barrio Alto, Medio & Bajo.

Due to its location, the town's history unfolded away from the mainstream historical events. Thus, during the Reconquista raging until 1492, no soldiers from the Christian army reached Trevélez.

Upon hearing the news of the fall of the last Islamic stronghold on the peninsula, Granada, only 97km away, social unrest began on religious grounds. The Muslim population of Trevélez refused to coexist with their Christian neighbors. It was only after 1500 that the Catholic monarchs finally broke the resistance, forcing the Moors to accept baptism, giving rise to the moriscos - Muslims theoretically converted to Christianity but still secretly practicing their original religion.

In an act of rebellion, some moriscos decided to form armed bands and camp in the mountains, committing bloody attacks on Christian troops and civilians from 1568 to 1572. After tracking down and defeating the Muslim insurgents, King Philip II decided to expel the remaining population and resettle Trevélez with a new community mainly from the northern regions of the Iberian Peninsula, from Murcia and Castile.

Since the 17th century, the town's population has been living in peace (numbering 758 people in 2017), away from the hustle and bustle, surrounded by beautiful nature. For centuries, they have been engaged in agriculture, ham production, enjoying increasing popularity and a growing number of tourists visiting each year.

In the town, it's worth noting the 18th-century San Benito church and the old fountain.

We came to Trevélez to conquer the highest peak in the continental part of Spain and the Iberian Peninsula, simultaneously the highest peak in mainland Europe outside of the Alps - Mulhacén (3478 m n.p.m.).

Where to eat

Due to the small size of the town, every restaurant owner ensures to please tourists with exquisite local cuisine. Here are a few noteworthy places:

  • Meson Haraicel
  • Casa Julio
  • Piedra Ventana
  • Los Rosales
  • Mesón Joaquín
  • El Goterón
  • La Fragua – oferuje wspaniałe widoki na okolicę

In one of the shops, it's worth stocking up on local meat products.


Always on the go, though sometimes I do miss a bit of boredom... 😉 My passions? Technology, photography, psychology, diving into diverse reads, and sports... especially water sports and padel. Professionally, I design websites, graphics, and more. I'm also the author and photographer at 📸

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