Wyspy Algarve. Wycieczka Na Bezludną Wyspę!

Explore the Algarve Islands. Exploring the Deserted Island!

One of the landscapes that captivates in the Algarve is the coastal archipelago of islands, forming a unique and picturesque scenery of Ria Formosa. At least, it captivates me! The entire area is under special protection due to its unique ecosystems, seabirds, and nature... (However, that didn't stop the construction of an airport in this area...)

The main islands in the area are Ilha de Faro, Ilha da Culatra, similar in some ways to > Ilha Deserta, Ilha da Armona & Ilha da Tavira.Each of these islands has its unique character; they all resemble each other, but each has a slightly different atmosphere...

Ilha Deserta, the deserted island - as the name suggests, is one of the least populated islands in the Algarve, offering wild nature and tranquil beaches. Perhaps that's why it attracted us; I love such desolate places...

There, primarily... is a beach covered with beautiful large shells... The place is quite popular for relaxation and also a destination for water sports.

Strolling along the walkway, sunbathing, swimming in the ocean, we explored it all, and in the end, we got caught in a downpour... 🙂 What a wonderful day, an amazing trip, and adventure, highly recommended, an excellent place for meditation, for sitting in contemplation, especially off-season...

How to get to Ilha Deserta

Ferries depart from the Faro marina, which is located just outside the city center:

  • The crossing takes about 30 minutes.
  • Tickets can be purchased at the ticket offices at the marina or online.

Or, from the port of Olhão:

  • Ferries depart from the ferry terminal at the end of the wharf, in total just short of the Olhao market
  • The crossing takes about 20 minutes.
  • Tickets can be purchased at the ticket offices at the marina

There are no roads on the island, after all, it is a desert island :), so the only way to get around is on foot, or around by water cab....

Ferry departure times around Faro and Olhao: CLICK HERE

Dogs are unfortunately not allowed to accompany the crossing, but ask at the port, perhaps one of the companies will take you with your pet.

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Always on the go, though sometimes I do miss a bit of boredom... 😉 My passions? Technology, photography, psychology, diving into diverse reads, and sports... especially water sports and padel. Professionally, I design websites, graphics, and more. I'm also the author and photographer at www.pixambo.com 📸

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